




時間:2012年8月29—31日    地點:北京·中國國際展覽中心
特邀單位:中國核工業集團         中國核工業建設集團
            中國廣東核電集團公司   中國電力投資集團公司         
            國家核電技術公司       中國華能集團公司
            中國華能集團公司       上海電氣(集團)總公司                  
            哈爾濱電站設備集團公司 中國東方電氣集團公司  
                              前  言
報到布展:2012年8月27日  (8:30—17:00)
2012年8月28日   (8:30—21:00)
展    覽:2012年8月29—31日(8:30—16:30)
反應堆及其冷卻系統 、堆芯燃料、核燃料組件、穩壓器、反應堆堆內構件、 反應堆壓力容器、控制泵驅動機構、蒸汽發生器、反應堆冷卻劑泵、密閉殼  、ECCS
渦輪發電機、汽輪機、發電機、變壓器、凝汽器、汽水分離再熱器、葉片、儀表控制、保溫材料、空調系統、核空氣凈化與通風濾器設備、生物工程學在反應器控制中的應用、 數控系統軟件資質、已建成核電站的日期采集系統及其它系統的更新、電氣系統、電線電纜與橋架、母線、新型緊急供電系統、新型高壓設備、輸配電設備、核電涂料、核電電池、核電油漆、各種管、泵及閥門、承壓容器、支吊架、核級石墨、核電站與電算化文檔管理中的計算機輔助設計、焊接、機械加工、熱處理及裝配技術、工程機械與特種工具 。
標準展位費:(3m×3m)           空地基本價(面積不低于36m2)
國內企業11800元/展位、展期      國內企業  1200元/m2展期
合資企業 16800元/展位、展期     合資企業  1600元/m2展期
境外企業 3600美元/展位、展期    境外企業  360美元/m2展期
● 會刊及其它廣告

會刊 封面 封底 封一二 封三 跨彩頁 內彩頁 黑白頁   
人民幣 50000元 36000元 20000元 16000元 16000元 8000元 5000元   
  請  柬:RMB8000元/萬                   充氣拱門:RMB8000元/天   
入場券:RMB8000元/2萬                  空飄氣球:RMB5000元/天   
● 展覽宣傳計劃
◆  組織國內外各省市的核電工業主管部門及各核電工業單位及相關企業赴京觀展。
◆  通過六萬封參觀邀請函、三十萬張參觀券直接邀請國內外鄰近國家和地區的核電系統決策人士及重要買家、大型用戶前來參觀、洽談、訂貨。
◆  在中國核工業報、中國核電、《中國核工業》雜志、《核**》北京晚報、中國核動力工程、中國電力報、及CCTV、北京電視臺等各大新聞媒介上發布廣告。
◆  國際互聯網及電臺:中國核電網、核電之窗、中國輻射防護網、國際能源網、中國核信息網、中國能源網、中國電力信息港、中國發電網、世界能源網、中國擬在建項目網等發布展會信息及廣告內容。
地址:北京市朝陽區東四環中路60號遠洋國際中心 C座 1301室
聯系人:  郝斌15510506588
電話:010—85863246   傳真:010—85863676
Email:  yzhong80307@vip.163.com
M S N:yzhong2010@hotmail.com
The Sixth China International Nuclear Power Equipment Expo 2012
Time: August 29-31, 2012 August
Address: China International Exhibition Center, Beijing
Hosted by:
China Machinery Industry Federation
China Energy Sources Association
China Electro-technical Society
Chinese Society of Power Engineering

Beijing Qifa Exhibition Service Co.,LTD
Nuclear power industry is a national security are closely linked with strong externalities, and public welfare of the special industry, and therefore different from the ordinary competitive industries; China's nuclear power construction in the future to strive for "continuous line", each five-year plan proposed arrangements Several heap. In China, the total generating capacity of more than 80% of thermal power, and resources determine the occurrence condition of the national coal-based thermal power station construction pattern. Taking into account the transport of coal produced in the north-west to the coastal areas of concentrated demand for transport capacity, as well as severe environmental pollution caused by thermal power generation in 2006 National People's Congress formally adopted the "national economy Dishiyiwu Scheme" will actively develop a clear nuclear power. Domestic Experts predict that by 2020, China's power installed capacity will increase to 1.4 billion kilowatts or more. The supply of nuclear power as measured by the ratio of 5%, there will be more than 40 million kilowatts installed capacity, which means that, in the next ten years, China will build more than 20 nuclear reactors, China's nuclear power facing a good opportunity for large-scale development.
 According to the program of China with regard to positive development of nuclear power, as well as its policies about accelerating the industrialization of civil non-power nuclear technologies, The Sixth China International Nuclear Power Equipment Expo 2012 sponsored byourswill be held on August 29-31,2012 in China International Exhibition Center, Beijing.
By then, China will see an upsurge of unprecedented development in civil nuclear technology. Advanced technologies and products of each country will have a broad market prospect in China. Let us work hand in hand to promote common development of China and the world and share fruitful results from the development.
●Exhibition agenda
Check in and arrange the stand:August 27-28, 2012(8:30—17:00)
Exhibition:August 29-31 ,2012(8:30—16:00)
 ●The range of exhibition
★Nuclear Island
·Reactor & Reactor Coolant System
·Core & Fuel
·Reactor Internals
·Reactor Pressure Vessel
·Control Rod Drive Mechanism (CRDM)
·Steam Generator (SG)
·Reactor Coolant Pump
·Containment Vessel
★Conventional Island
★Instrumentation & Control
·Application of Ergonomics in Reactor Control
·Digital Control System (DCS)
·Qualification of Software
·Isolated Phase Busduct
·Renewal of Date Acquisition System & other Systems for built Nuclear Power Station
★Electrical System
·New Emergency Power Supply System
·New High Voltage Equipment
·Nuclear Power Coating
★Various Pipes, Pumps & Valves
★Computer Aided Design in Nuclear Power Station & Computerized Documentation Management
★Welding, Machining, Heat Treatment & Assembly Technology
★Engineering Machinery & Special Tools
★Operation & Maintenance Devices
·Inspection Equipment
·Maintenance Robot
     Nuclear Accident Emergency Communication Devices
   The Standardization Plan of Nuclear Equipment
   URD, EURD & series Development of NPP
   Nuclear Safety & Protection Equipment & Materials
★Waste Disposal
·Solid Waste Treatment
·Liquid Waste Treatment
·Gaseous Waste Treatment
·Radwaste Disposal
●Exhibition fee:
 Standard stand fee:(3m×3m)      
domestic enterprise:11800Yuan/stand, exhibition period
Joint-venture enterprise:16800Yuan/stand,exhibition period
Abroad enterprise:3600 dollar/ stand, exhibition period
Basic price for space ( area no less than 36m2)
  domestic enterprise:1200 Yuan/m2exhibition period
  Joint-venture enterprise:1600 Yuan/m2exhibition period
  Abroad enterprise::360 dollar/m2exhibition period
Standard stand fee: including stand space, 2.5m height wainscot, lintel and brand, 9 m2carpet, a meeting table, two chairs, one 220V power supply socket, two daylight lamps.
The exhibiter, who wants to choose the stand with two entrances, should add 20% expense of the standard stand. Every personnel working in the exhibition should pay 500RMB. (For exhibition information, luncheon and souvenirs etc.) Space fee including: exhibition area, safeguard, cleaning service (excluding special instruments manage fee)
●Exhibition procedures
Fill in stand application table, then mail or fax it after stamped it to the committee of the exhibition. In one week after your application you should telegraph the exhibition fee (50% of the subscript_ion or the complete fee) to the committee or hand it to the committee directly, the allot principle of the stand order is: “who applies first, telegraphs the fee first, we will arrange his stand in the first place”, rest of the fee should be pay before Aug 1, 2012 Sponsor will consider the action as giving up the exhibition.
As long as the sponsors receive the application table to exhibition and the stand fee, it will send the invoice and exhibiter manual to the exhibiters. Issues such as the accommodation of the representatives and the transportation of the products refer to the exhibiter manual. If the exhibitor drop out after he has applied for taking part in the exhibition, the subscript_ion fee paid will not be handed back.
● Proceedings of the exhibition and other advertisements
The proceedings of the exhibition will be presented to superintending departments and related associations , traveling merchants attending the exhibition, what’s more, it will delivered to the circle of papermaking industry and related distributors home and abroad.( the exhibitors should provide the films by themselves)
proceedings cover Back cover The first or second cover The third cover Traversing color page Inner color page Black white page   
RMB 50000 36000 20000 16000 16000 8000 5000  
Invitation card: RMB8000 Yuan/ ten thousand       puffing arch: RMB8000 Yuan/day
Admission: RMB8000Yuan/twenty thousand        balloon in sky: RMB5000Yuan/day
Exclusive advertisement in the back of Exhibition card and visit card: RMB 30000yuan
● The activities of the exhibition
        Product exhibition, trading negotiation, exchange of technology, academic discussion. The exhibitor can apply for holding symposium for technology exchange, fee for every symposium: domestic enterprise 9800 Yuan, abroad enterprise 2500 dollar. (Duration: 2 hours, shorter than 2 hours accounted as one symposium.).
● Plan for the advertisement of the exhibition
        Nuclear authorities, institutions and enterprises at home and abroad will be invited to the exhibition.
        Through handing out sixty thousand invitation letters, five hundred thousand visit tickets to neighboring districts and countries, invite the decision-maker, important customers directly to come, visit and place order.
             International internet and broadcasting station: issue information and advertisements about theexhibition on:www.tfet.com,www.fadian.com.cn,www.cnhydro.com,http://www.atominfo.com.cn,www.lodestar.com.cn,www.bhi.com.cn.
● Ways to apply for joining the exhibition
If your company would like to apply for joining the exhibition, please ask the committee for apply and contract for joining the exhibition , after filling in and stamping it ,please mail or fax it to:
China Machinery Industry Federation
Tel: 0086—10—85863246
Fax: 0086—10—85863676
Linkman:  Hao Bin  015510506588




時間:2012年8月29—31日    地點:北京·中國國際展覽中心
特邀單位:中國核工業集團         中國核工業建設集團
                  中國廣東核電集團公司   中國電力投資集團公司         
                  國家核電技術公司       中國華能集團公司
                 中國華能集團公司       上海電氣(集團)總公司                  
                 哈爾濱電站設備集團公司 中國東方電氣集團公司  
                              前  言
報到布展:2012年8月27日  (8:30—17:00)
2012年8月28日   (8:30—21:00)
展    覽:2012年8月29—31日(8:30—16:30)
反應堆及其冷卻系統 、堆芯燃料、核燃料組件、穩壓器、反應堆堆內構件、 反應堆壓力容器、控制泵驅動機構、蒸汽發生器、反應堆冷卻劑泵、密閉殼  、ECCS
渦輪發電機、汽輪機、發電機、變壓器、凝汽器、汽水分離再熱器、葉片、儀表控制、保溫材料、空調系統、核空氣凈化與通風濾器設備、生物工程學在反應器控制中的應用、 數控系統軟件資質、已建成核電站的日期采集系統及其它系統的更新、電氣系統、電線電纜與橋架、母線、新型緊急供電系統、新型高壓設備、輸配電設備、核電涂料、核電電池、核電油漆、各種管、泵及閥門、承壓容器、支吊架、核級石墨、核電站與電算化文檔管理中的計算機輔助設計、焊接、機械加工、熱處理及裝配技術、工程機械與特種工具 。
標準展位費:(3m×3m)           空地基本價(面積不低于36m2)
國內企業11800元/展位、展期      國內企業  1200元/m2展期
合資企業 16800元/展位、展期     合資企業  1600元/m2展期
境外企業 3600美元/展位、展期    境外企業  360美元/m2展期
● 會刊及其它廣告

會刊 封面 封底 封一二 封三 跨彩頁 內彩頁 黑白頁   
人民幣 50000元 36000元 20000元 16000元 16000元 8000元 5000元   
  請  柬:RMB8000元/萬                   充氣拱門:RMB8000元/天   
入場券:RMB8000元/2萬                  空飄氣球:RMB5000元/天   
● 展覽宣傳計劃
◆  組織國內外各省市的核電工業主管部門及各核電工業單位及相關企業赴京觀展。
◆  通過六萬封參觀邀請函、三十萬張參觀券直接邀請國內外鄰近國家和地區的核電系統決策人士及重要買家、大型用戶前來參觀、洽談、訂貨。
◆  在中國核工業報、中國核電、《中國核工業》雜志、《核**》北京晚報、中國核動力工程、中國電力報、及CCTV、北京電視臺等各大新聞媒介上發布廣告。
◆  國際互聯網及電臺:中國核電網、核電之窗、中國輻射防護網、國際能源網、中國核信息網、中國能源網、中國電力信息港、中國發電網、世界能源網、中國擬在建項目網等發布展會信息及廣告內容。
地址:北京市朝陽區東四環中路60號遠洋國際中心 C座 1301室
聯系人:  郝斌15510506588
電話:010—85863246   傳真:010—85863676
Email:  yzhong80307@vip.163.com
M S N:yzhong2010@hotmail.com
The Sixth China International Nuclear Power Equipment Expo 2012
Time: August 29-31, 2012 August
Address: China International Exhibition Center, Beijing
Hosted by:
China Machinery Industry Federation
China Energy Sources Association
China Electro-technical Society
Chinese Society of Power Engineering

Beijing Qifa Exhibition Service Co.,LTD
Nuclear power industry is a national security are closely linked with strong externalities, and public welfare of the special industry, and therefore different from the ordinary competitive industries; China's nuclear power construction in the future to strive for "continuous line", each five-year plan proposed arrangements Several heap. In China, the total generating capacity of more than 80% of thermal power, and resources determine the occurrence condition of the national coal-based thermal power station construction pattern. Taking into account the transport of coal produced in the north-west to the coastal areas of concentrated demand for transport capacity, as well as severe environmental pollution caused by thermal power generation in 2006 National People's Congress formally adopted the "national economy Dishiyiwu Scheme" will actively develop a clear nuclear power. Domestic Experts predict that by 2020, China's power installed capacity will increase to 1.4 billion kilowatts or more. The supply of nuclear power as measured by the ratio of 5%, there will be more than 40 million kilowatts installed capacity, which means that, in the next ten years, China will build more than 20 nuclear reactors, China's nuclear power facing a good opportunity for large-scale development.
 According to the program of China with regard to positive development of nuclear power, as well as its policies about accelerating the industrialization of civil non-power nuclear technologies, The Sixth China International Nuclear Power Equipment Expo 2012 sponsored byourswill be held on August 29-31,2012 in China International Exhibition Center, Beijing.
By then, China will see an upsurge of unprecedented development in civil nuclear technology. Advanced technologies and products of each country will have a broad market prospect in China. Let us work hand in hand to promote common development of China and the world and share fruitful results from the development.
●Exhibition agenda
Check in and arrange the stand:August 27-28, 2012(8:30—17:00)
Exhibition:August 29-31 ,2012(8:30—16:00)
 ●The range of exhibition
★Nuclear Island
·Reactor & Reactor Coolant System
·Core & Fuel
·Reactor Internals
·Reactor Pressure Vessel
·Control Rod Drive Mechanism (CRDM)
·Steam Generator (SG)
·Reactor Coolant Pump
·Containment Vessel
★Conventional Island
★Instrumentation & Control
·Application of Ergonomics in Reactor Control
·Digital Control System (DCS)
·Qualification of Software
·Isolated Phase Busduct
·Renewal of Date Acquisition System & other Systems for built Nuclear Power Station
★Electrical System
·New Emergency Power Supply System
·New High Voltage Equipment
·Nuclear Power Coating
★Various Pipes, Pumps & Valves
★Computer Aided Design in Nuclear Power Station & Computerized Documentation Management
★Welding, Machining, Heat Treatment & Assembly Technology
★Engineering Machinery & Special Tools
★Operation & Maintenance Devices
·Inspection Equipment
·Maintenance Robot
     Nuclear Accident Emergency Communication Devices
   The Standardization Plan of Nuclear Equipment
   URD, EURD & series Development of NPP
   Nuclear Safety & Protection Equipment & Materials
★Waste Disposal
·Solid Waste Treatment
·Liquid Waste Treatment
·Gaseous Waste Treatment
·Radwaste Disposal
●Exhibition fee:
 Standard stand fee:(3m×3m)      
domestic enterprise:11800Yuan/stand, exhibition period
Joint-venture enterprise:16800Yuan/stand,exhibition period
Abroad enterprise:3600 dollar/ stand, exhibition period
Basic price for space ( area no less than 36m2)
  domestic enterprise:1200 Yuan/m2exhibition period
  Joint-venture enterprise:1600 Yuan/m2exhibition period
  Abroad enterprise::360 dollar/m2exhibition period
Standard stand fee: including stand space, 2.5m height wainscot, lintel and brand, 9 m2carpet, a meeting table, two chairs, one 220V power supply socket, two daylight lamps.
The exhibiter, who wants to choose the stand with two entrances, should add 20% expense of the standard stand. Every personnel working in the exhibition should pay 500RMB. (For exhibition information, luncheon and souvenirs etc.) Space fee including: exhibition area, safeguard, cleaning service (excluding special instruments manage fee)
●Exhibition procedures
Fill in stand application table, then mail or fax it after stamped it to the committee of the exhibition. In one week after your application you should telegraph the exhibition fee (50% of the subscript_ion or the complete fee) to the committee or hand it to the committee directly, the allot principle of the stand order is: “who applies first, telegraphs the fee first, we will arrange his stand in the first place”, rest of the fee should be pay before Aug 1, 2012 Sponsor will consider the action as giving up the exhibition.
As long as the sponsors receive the application table to exhibition and the stand fee, it will send the invoice and exhibiter manual to the exhibiters. Issues such as the accommodation of the representatives and the transportation of the products refer to the exhibiter manual. If the exhibitor drop out after he has applied for taking part in the exhibition, the subscript_ion fee paid will not be handed back.
● Proceedings of the exhibition and other advertisements
The proceedings of the exhibition will be presented to superintending departments and related associations , traveling merchants attending the exhibition, what’s more, it will delivered to the circle of papermaking industry and related distributors home and abroad.( the exhibitors should provide the films by themselves)
proceedings cover Back cover The first or second cover The third cover Traversing color page Inner color page Black white page   
RMB 50000 36000 20000 16000 16000 8000 5000  
Invitation card: RMB8000 Yuan/ ten thousand       puffing arch: RMB8000 Yuan/day
Admission: RMB8000Yuan/twenty thousand        balloon in sky: RMB5000Yuan/day
Exclusive advertisement in the back of Exhibition card and visit card: RMB 30000yuan
● The activities of the exhibition
        Product exhibition, trading negotiation, exchange of technology, academic discussion. The exhibitor can apply for holding symposium for technology exchange, fee for every symposium: domestic enterprise 9800 Yuan, abroad enterprise 2500 dollar. (Duration: 2 hours, shorter than 2 hours accounted as one symposium.).
● Plan for the advertisement of the exhibition
        Nuclear authorities, institutions and enterprises at home and abroad will be invited to the exhibition.
        Through handing out sixty thousand invitation letters, five hundred thousand visit tickets to neighboring districts and countries, invite the decision-maker, important customers directly to come, visit and place order.
             International internet and broadcasting station: issue information and advertisements about theexhibition on:www.tfet.com,www.fadian.com.cn,www.cnhydro.com,http://www.atominfo.com.cn,www.lodestar.com.cn,www.bhi.com.cn.
● Ways to apply for joining the exhibition
If your company would like to apply for joining the exhibition, please ask the committee for apply and contract for joining the exhibition , after filling in and stamping it ,please mail or fax it to:
China Machinery Industry Federation
Tel: 0086—10—85863246
Fax: 0086—10—85863676
Linkman:  Hao Bin  015510506588




標準展位費:(3m×3m)           空地基本價(面積不低于36m2)

國內企業11800元/展位、展期      國內企業  1200元/m2展期

合資企業 16800元/展位、展期     合資企業  1600元/m2展期

境外企業 3600美元/展位、展期    境外企業  360美元/m2展期





報到布展:2012年8月27日 (8:30—17:00) 2012年8月28日 (8:30—21:00)展 覽:2012年8月29—31日(8:30—16:30)




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