德國萊克知名品牌閥門德國萊克(國際)閥門有限公司是流體控制領域的生產和供應商之一,亞太地區總部位于香港,公司致力于科研開發,生產流體控制設備系統德國萊克(國際)閥門有限公司主要產品有:蝶閥、球閥、截止閥、閘閥、止回閥、柱塞閥、針型閥、過濾器、金屬硬密封蝶閥、波紋管截止閥、調節閥、刀閘閥、隔膜閥、旋塞閥、保溫閥門、高溫高壓閥門、水利控制閥系列、食品專用等系列產品,驅動方式:有手動,蝸輪傳動,電動,氣動。閥體材料:鑄鐵,鑄鋼,不銹鋼(CF8,CF8M,CF3,CF3M)公司產品的用戶涉及石油、化工、電力、冶金、制藥、食品、水處理、市政給排水、天然氣、造紙、電子工業、樓宇、機械設備配套等領域德國萊克閥門(LIK)有限公司中國廣州總代理,負責中國市場各項業務與技術支持中心,同時在中國市場銷售。德國萊克(國際)閥門有限公司忠心歡迎中國客戶同我們在中國各地的代理商及分支機構聯系。Germany Lik valve (Hong Kong) Ltd is one of the main manufacturerand suppliers in fluid control, The Asian-Pacific region generalheadquarter is located in Hong Kong , the company concentratesefforts on the scientific research , producing fluid controlsystem. The main products of Germany Lik valve (Hong Kong) Ltdinclude: needle valve, butterfly valve, gate valve, globe valve,strainer, check valve, series products. Drive way: hand movement,worm gear drive , electric , pneumatic. Valve body material:Cast-iron, cast steel, stainless steel(CF8,CF8M,CF3,CF3M). Companyproduct consumer relates to petrochemical industry, electric power, metallurgy , pharmacy , food , water treatment , gas , papermaking , electronic industry , the building world , machineryequipment forming a complete set. Chinese affair centre of thecompany is located in Guangzhou, it’s responsible for the marketand technical support, and sell in China. Germany Lik valve (Hong Kong) Ltd welcomes Chinese customers tocontact with our agents and branches in China
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