上海威樂水泵有限公司總部位于中國上海松江區新濱鎮工業園區,公司占地面積40余畝,建筑面積3萬平方米,滬杭高速穿邊而過,是一家致力于專業發生產高效 節能 環保的高品質水泵設備制造公司。威樂水泵廣泛應用于日常生活 .建筑. 環保. 電力 石油. 化工. 醫藥等行業,公司的產品和業務也涉及到供暖 空調 制冷 污水處理供水設備等各個領域。企業自成立以來,投入大量資金,引進先進的生產加工設備和各種高精度檢測設備,有效地保證了新產品的開發 設計和生產,以其成熟的工藝和**的科技技術贏得廣大客戶的支持和信賴。
威樂人始終制力于高質量的生活用水與節能 環保 努力推動本土客戶的發展,威樂人遵循:“聚**人才創**企業 樹**品牌”的企業理念和“以顧客為中心,實現零報怨”的經營宗旨,堅持“以體系為基礎,追求產品零缺陷”的質量方針,**企業 誠信于眾 以求實精品,為客戶提供世界**的水泵產品與上等的服務。
Shanghai wile pump co.Ltd.is located in xinbang industry zone songjiang district shanghai .the area is near 40000 sqrare meter.it stands by the shanghai-hangzhou highway .it is a high-efficiency company specializing in manrfacturing water pumps.
Thewaterpumps is widely used in common life.comstruction.environment protcetion.electric,power.chemical.medicament,andso on,air-conditioner,making cold,waste water treameng,water supply.Upon established,the company spent large capital tostudy rhe advanced technology and buy varies of high accuracy inspect machinaes.it ensures the new prodrcts exploition,design and producting.it issupported and relied by most customers for its mature work and techology and advanced science and techology.
Wile is always working at high qualtiy life water and saving energy and environmeng protection and working hard in expoiting the local customers.Wile always follow the principle:high-quality human resource.create first slass enterprise,establish top brand,customer core,zero claim,insist on basing on system,pursuit perfect products,innovatethe business,trust,supply the customers of the world the top water pump and quality service.
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